I'm Sander Meijer, founder and owner of Ep-ics: Electrical Power Connections - Inspection & Consultancy Services
My mission is to provide quality control and quality assurance services during all phases of new power cable system projects to ensure a reliable cable connection is delivered to my clients.
My short resume:
* 4 years PhD student on partial discharge measurements on gas-insulated switchgear
* 8 years assistant professor at Delft University of Technology, High voltage Technology & Management
* 4 years at TenneT TSO BV, Asset Management on Power Cable systems
* 6 years at DNV GL, Senior and principal consultant on Power Cable systems
* Since 2018 as consultant and inspector at Ep-ics
* Since 2016 Dutch Representative CIGRE SC B1
My main activities are related to HVAC and HVDC (submarine) Power Cable systems, such as:
* Basic design and engineering
* Design reviews
* Develop and review of test programs and ITPs
* Review of test reports
* Factory and manufacturing verification audits
* (Daily) Manufacturing QA/QC
* Owner’s representative during testing
* Training